How to Register for E-Billing |
Hekk kif inkomplu ntejbu s-servizzi tagħna, CVA Technology Company Limited tixtieq tistieden lill-klijenti tagħha biex jagħmlu użu mis-sistema tal-e-Billing li ġiet introdotta riċentament.c
Permezz tal-e-Billing wieħed ikun qed jagħżel mod konvenjenti, u favur l-ambjent billi nnaqsu l-użu tal-karti u fl-istess ħin huwa mod iktar effikaci sabiex tħallas il-kontijiet tiegħek aktar malajr.
L-aċċess għall-e-Billing mill-websajt tagħna huwa faċli biex tużah. Jekk jogħġbok żur il-websajt tagħna www.cva.gov.mt, illoggja u rreġistra biex tirċievi l-kontijiet tiegħek online minflok tirċievi l-kont bil-posta.
Ghall-iktar informazzjoni, tista tnizzel dan id-dokument: How Do I Start Receiving Bills by Email
As we continue to innovate and improve in all areas of our business, CVA Technology Co. Limited wishes to encourage all our valued customers to take full advantage of our recently introduced e-Billing system.
By choosing e-Billing, you will be opting for a more convenient, cost effective, and above all environmentally friendly way to receive and readily pay your bills.
Access to e-Billing from our website is simple and easy to use. Please visit and log into your CVA account on www.cva.gov.mt where you will be prompted to sign up and receive your bills online instead of by post.
For more information, you can download this guide: How Do I Start Receiving Bills by Email
Press Releases
Change in location for the provision of services related to CVA
Strada Merkanti August 2015