
1. Registering a private off-street parking area / garage
Non-resident owners of vehicles using private garages and off-street parking areas will
need to register both the garage/parking area and vehicles using those spaces to be
exempt from paying the CVA charges.
Resident owners using private garages and off-street parking areas do not need to
register since they are automatically exempt if they comply with the residents’ status
An annual fee of €46.50 will be charged for each vehicle registered to park in
that area. Exemptions will be granted for one year starting from the day of input into the
online system or from the start date indicated on the form, whichever is later.
Retroactive applications will not be accepted. Exemptions will need to be renewed every
Vehicles registered under this exemption will be obliged to use the garage space, or the
space directly in front of the garage space, and therefore will not be allowed to park on-
street other than in front of the garage space, except for drop-off and pick-up instances
for not more than 10 minutes and must not be left unattended at all times. In addition to
a fine of not more then €232.94, vehicles might be clamped / removed and the
vehicle will be removed from the list for one (1) year.
Where does the registration take place?
The registration will take place at CVA on Application Form A1.5.
An immediate acknowledgement will be printed from the CVA system for the applicant.
The request will be forwarded to the CVA Board (Transport Malta (TM)) for consideration.
The following conditions apply:
• Site plans indicating parking capacity will be required;
• Physical inspections may be carried out;
• Permits will be limited to the maximum capacity of the parking area leaving space
for free movement of the said vehicles, provided that if the garage/off-street
parking is used by the same entity or person, free movement may not be
Transport Malta (TM) will always reserve the right to conduct checks on applications after the permit is
issued, and permits can be revoked at any time.
Once the application is approved, CVA will notify the applicant who will be
required to pay the €46.50 (or pro-rata of €46.50 if the vehicle road licence expires in less than 12 months’ time) at the Licensing & Testing offices
(A3 Towers, Arcade Street, Paola), and collect the exemption licence (G-Licence). At this stage all fees due to
Transport Malta (TM) will need to be settled. Alternatively, the customer can pay the fee online
The applicant will have up to 60 days to pay and collect the exemption licence (G-Licence) after which the exemption will be revoked, and all charges incurred in the
meantime, re-instated (including penalties for late payments).
Applicants who receive the G-Licence will be obliged to return their old licence to the Licensing & Testing Directorate at A3 Towers, Arcade Street, Paola.
Applications can be rejected by the
applicant in person at the LTD offices.
How will the exemption be renewed annually?
Renewals will be made at the Licensing & Testing Offices (A3 Towers, Arcade Street, Paola) or online (www.roadlicence.gov.mt) as part of the road licence renewal.
The €46.50 will
be charged automatically upon every road licence renewal. For the exemption to be automatically renewed, the fees must be paid before the licence expiry date. Otherwise
the exemption will be lost, and a fresh application will have to be submitted to CVA. Exemptions may be rejected by the applicant during the renewal
either online or at the LTD offices.

2. Access for services – Works
In the case of works (cranes and other construction equipment) which require closure of
a road or traffic diversion, operators will continue to apply the current procedures for
works at CVA, and an exemption for charges will be issued using
application form A1.6.
Documents required will include:
• Site plan
• Traffic and Pedestrian Management Plans
• Enforcement necessary
• Emergency Route Identification
Retroactive applications will not be accepted. Exemptions will start from the day/time of
input into the online system or the start date indicated on the form, whichever is later.
Transport Malta (TM) will reserve the right to reject these approvals within 30
days. It is recommended that the application be made at least one working day before
the exemption needs to be activated.

3. Access for services – Regular Goods Deliveries
Goods delivery vehicles that deliver regularly to retailers in the charging zone will be
allowed limited free access in all of the charging zone
at the times defined below. The vehicle must be registered to deliver
and must not be left unattended.
Free Access Charging Zone
Access in Pedestrian Zone
Midnight – 09:30 hrs
Midnight – 09:30 hrs
14:30 hrs – 16:30 hrs
14:30 hrs – 16:30 hrs
18:00 hrs – Midnight
19:00 hrs – 20:00 hrs
Tuesday, Wednesday &Friday
Midnight – 09:30 hrs
Midnight – 09:30 hrs
13:00 hrs – 16:00 hrs
19:00 hrs – 20:00 hrs
18:00 hrs – Midnight
Midnight – 09:30 hrs
Midnight – 09:30 hrs
13:00 hrs – 16:00 hrs
14:30 hrs – 16:30 hrs
18:00 hrs – Midnight
19:00 hrs – 20:00 hrs
All Day
Midnight – 09:30 hrs
14:30 hrs – 16:30 hrs
19:00 hrs – 20:00 hrs
All Day
Midnight – 09:30 hrs
Where does the registration take place?
Applications must be submitted at CVA on application form B1.6.
An immediate acknowledgement will be provided to applicant. The request will be
forwarded to the CVA Board (Transport Malta (TM)) for consideration. Transport Malta (TM) will always reserve the right
to request further information, and permits can be withdrawn at any time. Retroactive
applications will not be accepted.
Once the exemption is approved or rejected, CVA will contact the applicant
by email.
How will the exemption be renewed annually?
CVA will send an annual declaration to
the exemption holder 45 days before the expiry date of
the exemption. This declaration will need to be
completed by the exemption holder and sent back to CVA not later than five days before the expiry
of the exemption. The CVA Board will reserve the right
to request additional information and conduct
inspections and verifications where necessary.

4. Access for vehicles owned by persons with special mobility needs
Who is exempted?
Persons with special mobility needs who own a vehicle and use it to travel to work in Valletta will need to register to be exempt from paying the CVA charges. Vehicle must be owned by a blue sticker holder issued by the KNPD. Each applicant will only be issued with one exemption which will expire annually.
Persons with special mobility needs who do not work in Valletta, who have been given a concession by the Ministry of Finance, will be automatically given an €46.55 annual credit on charges. This credit cannot be carried forward if it is not utilised in a particular year.
I am a Blue Badge holder, how can I apply for €46.55 credit on my vehicle?
You first have to apply for a free road licence at the 'Kummissjoni Nazzjonali ghal Persuni b'Dizabilita' (KNPD) in St Venera. They will then write to the Ministry of Finance, who will issue a letter which is to be presented by yourself, to the Licensing & Testing Directorate at A3 Towers, Arcade Street, Paola. Once you have the free road licence, you will automatically be given the €46.55 credit per annum which will be deducted from your CVA bill.
How do people with special needs who work in Valletta register?
Applicants must register their vehicle on the appropriate application form A1.8 at CVA. Retroactive applications will not be accepted. CVA will forward the application to the CVA Board for approval. An immediate acknowledgement will be given to the applicant.
The CVA Board will always reserve the right to request further information, and permits can be revoked at any time.
Once the exemption is approved by the CVA Board, CVA will notify the applicant.
The exemption expires after one year, and CVA
will send an annual declaration to the exemption holder 45 days before the
expiry date of the exemption. This declaration will need to be completed by the
exemption holder and sent back to CVA not later than five days
before the expiry of the exemption. The CVA Board will reserve the right to
request additional information and conduct inspections and verifications where
What documents are required?
Proof of work in Valletta will be required including an FS3 for employees or a VAT return for self-employed people.

5. Residents’ Relatives’ Vehicles
Households with residents who are 61 years or over will be eligible for an exemption for all the registered cars of first generation descendents. Upon the discretion of the CVA Board, where no vehicles are registered to first generation descendents, up to two vehicles registered to second generation or other immediate relatives may be exempt.
The following conditions apply:
The Applicant is the recipient of the social benefits at a residence in Valletta;
The Applicant is registered on the Valletta electoral register;
The Applicant is registered for Income Tax purposes on the same address;
There are no arrangements with Maltapost for forwarding mail from the residence;
Proof that residence is owned or rented;
Proof that there is a minimum consumption of services on utility bills;
Proof that TV / cable subscription (if any) is on the same address;
Proof/reference of relation to the applicant.
Applicants for special exemptions must allow physical access to check eligibility. A refusal to allow access will lead to disqualification.
Each exemption issued will be valid for one year.
How to apply?
Applications are to be submitted by the Resident to CVA using
Application form A1.19. There will be a €46.50 annual fee for each vehicle
CVA will issue an immediate acknowledgement for the applicant. The
request will be forwarded to Transport Malta (TM) for consideration. Transport Malta (TM) will always
reserve the right to conduct checks on applications after the permit is issued, and
permits can be revoked at any time.
Once the application is approved, CVA will inform the applicant that the
application has been approved, and they will be asked to pay the €46.50 (or
pro-rata of €46.50) if the vehicle road licence expires in less than 12 months’
time) at the Licensing & Testing offices at A3 Towers, Arcade Street, Paola, or pay online using
www.roadlicence.gov.mt. At this stage all fees due to the Malta Transport Authority on
the vehicle will need to be settled.
The applicant will have up to 60 days to pay and collect the exemption after which the
exemption will be revoked, and all charges incurred in the meantime, re-instated
(including penalties for late payments).
How will the exemption be renewed annually?
Renewals will be made at the Licensing & Testing Offices (A3 Towers, Arcade Street, Paola) or online (www.roadlicence.gov.mt) as part of the road licence renewal. The €46.50 will be charged automatically upon every road licence renewal. For the exemption to be automatically renewed, the fees must be paid before the license expiry date. Otherwise the exemption will be lost, and a fresh application will have to be submitted to CVA. Exemptions may be rejected by the applicant in person at the LTD offices.

6. Vehicular Access for Monti Hawkers
Monti hawkers are required to register their vehicles with CVA for free access and to ensure no parking charges are billed during Monti hours and 90 minutes both ways. Any vehicle found to be still in the CVA zone after these hours will be charged the applicable parking rates.
How to apply?
Submissions of Application form A1.27 for one vehicle per Monti hawker or change of vehicle registration number will have to be submitted to CVA.
CVA will forward the application to the CVA Board for consideration. An immediate acknowledgement will be given to the applicant. Once approved, CVA who will issue the permit to be attached to the windscreen of the vehicle being exempted. The permit will allow the Monti hawkers to park their vehicles in specially designated zones. Parking in these areas will only be allowed to permit holders during the said hours.
Retroactive applications will not be accepted.
How will the exemption be renewed annually?
Applications will expire every year and CVA
will send an annual declaration to the exemption holder 45 days before the
expiry date of the exemption. This declaration will need to be completed by the
exemption holder and sent back to CVA not later than five days
before the expiry of the exemption. The CVA Board will reserve the right to
request additional information and conduct inspections and verifications where

7. Access for Other Emergency Vehicles
In the case of other emergency vehicles used by service providers in the electricity,
drainage, water, and communications sectors can apply for an exemption and pay an
annual charge of €46.50. Applications will be submitted to CVA, and an exemption for charges will be issued using application form A1.7.
CVA will issue an immediate acknowledgement for the applicant. The
request will be forwarded to the CVA Board Transport Malta (TM) for consideration. Transport Malta (TM) will always reserve the right to conduct checks on applications after the permit is issued, and
permits can be revoked at any time.
Once the application is approved, CVA will inform the applicant that the
application has been approved, and they will be asked to pay the €46.50 (or
pro-rata of €46.50) if the vehicle road licence expires in less than 12 months’
time) at the Licensing & Testing offices at A3 Towers, Arcade Street, Paola, or pay online using
www.roadlicence.gov.mt. At this stage all fees due to Transport Malta (TM) on
the vehicle will need to be settled.
The applicant will have up to 60 days to pay and collect the exemption after which the
exemption will be revoked, and all charges incurred in the meantime, re-instated
(including penalties for late payments).
How will the exemption be renewed annually?
Renewals will be made at the Licensing & Testing Offices (A3 Towers, Arcade Street, Paola) or online
(www.roadlicence.gov.mt) as part of the road licence renewal. The €46.50 will
be charged automatically upon every road licence renewal. For the exemption to be
automatically renewed, the fees must be paid before the licence expiry date. Otherwise
the exemption will be lost, and a fresh application will have to be submitted to CVA. Exemptions may be rejected by the applicant during the renewal
either online or at the LTD offices.

8. Access for Vehicles used by doctors that practice regularly in Valletta
Doctors that practice regularly in Valletta will be able to apply for an exemption on one vehicle subject to an annual fee of €46.50,
and subject to being nominated by the Medical
Association of Malta. The €46.50 will be split prorate on a monthly basis to coincide with the renewal date of the vehicle road licence, and will automatically be charged as part of the renewal process of the road licence.
An application form (A4) is required to be completed for each eligible Doctor and this is to be submitted to CVA at least five working days before the effective date of the exemption. Once the application is processed, the €46.50 will be added to the annual road licence and charged automatically as of the next road licence renewal.
Applicants will be required to inform CVA when any changes to the vehicle being used, by means of an official communication using the same application form. These changes will not be able to be applied retrospectively under any circumstances, and will have to be made at least five days before the effective date of the change.

9. General notes on exemptions
All the necessary application forms for the exemptions described above can be obtained from CVA or online using www.cva.gov.mt. All applications must be presented to CVA by the person to whom the vehicle is registered. Applications submitted on behalf of third persons, need to be accompanied by a copy of the vehicle owner’s identity card.
CVA is situated at 83, Winemakers Wharf, Marsa.
All exemptions need to be forwarded to the CVA Board for approval, and will only become effective once approved by CVA Board, and from the month following the date they were inputted in the system, provided that they are submitted at least 15 days before the end of the month. CVA will input them at least 10 days before the end of the month. In this way bills will be put on hold until the CVA decide the outcome and update the CVA system (this should not exceed 30 days). The notice will then be sent by CVA within five days of this decision being inputted into the system.
If the exemption is rejected, the bills that were put on hold will be released with the next bill run, but no late payment charges would apply.
The CVA Board (Transport Malta (TM)) will always have up to 30 days to approve or reject the applications. In the case where CVA Board requests information from the applicant, the date will be extended, and the 30 days will apply from the submission date of the requested additional information.
Applicants will reserve the right to contest decisions made by the CVA board particularly rejections of applications for exemptions provided that these are registered in writing to the CVA Contestation Board within 20 days from the date of the notification.
Decisions can only be contested once.
No repeat applications will be accepted within 12 months.

10. Transferring of Exemptions for which Exemption Fees
have been paid
Exemptions in principle are
person-based. Therefore exemptions can only be
transferred if both vehicles are registered to the same
person. If they are not, the exemption holder needs to
apply with the CVA Board through CVA.
The client will apply at CVA
using the provided form (A3) at least five working days
before the effective date of the exemption – no
backdating will be able to be accepted. CVA will verify that the exemption holder has not
changed and process the application through the CVA
System including the Approval and issue an
Acknowledgement and Notification Form to the exemption
The unused credit on the exemption will be transferred
by Transport Malta (TM) from one car to the other. In the case of
over-credits (the amount posted as a credit note is more
than the remaining amount until the next renewal), the
over-credit will be deducted from the next renewal. In
the case of under-credits, the under-credit will need to
be paid by the applicant.
The exemption needs to be activated either by the
applicant (using eVERA or in person at LTD), or at CVA (as per above procedures).
In cases of garages/off-street parking, the printing of
the new G-licence will be issued free of charge. Should
the client request to be issued with a reprint of the
old licence (since this would be a G-licence too),
he/she would have to go to LTD and pay €5.80, and
present the old licence.
Press Releases
Change in location for the provision of services related to CVA
Strada Merkanti August 2015